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Managing crises and conflicts

Our offers on the top­ic of Man­ag­ing Crises and Conflicts

Transformation and change processes

Transformation and change processes

Togeth­er we design a trans­for­ma­tion process that is tai­lored to your orga­ni­za­tion” and cre­ates the sense and ori­en­ta­tion for man­agers and employees.

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Systemic project management

Systemic project management

In suc­cess­ful change process­es, the fol­low­ing applies: Get away from a mechan­i­cal point of view! Instead, live­ly inter­ac­tive for­mats are in demand. We pro­vide you with the tools for holis­tic project management.

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Mindfulness and self-esteem

Mindfulness and self-esteem

Mind­ful­ness is more than just atten­tion. It is a way of life, an atti­tude to life that helps bring about peace — in us and with oth­ers. Dis­cov­er mind­ful­ness as a resource.

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Men­tal resilience is not a mir­a­cle gene. It is an atti­tude that acti­vates resources and strength­ens your self-effi­ca­cy. Resilience helps to turn crises into power.

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Team building

Team building

Our cus­tomised coach­ing ses­sions catal­yse exist­ing team forces into new ener­gy. Because we take obsta­cles just as seri­ous­ly as wish­es and needs — and give space to both.

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Conflict Moderation

Conflict Moderation

The con­flict serves as a map of the mem­bers’ needs and goals and leads to new, sus­tain­able agree­ments. We mod­er­ate con­flicts — both between two actors and with­in the team as well as between teams.

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Change Seminars

Change Seminars

When peo­ple want to change organ­i­sa­tions, they need not only a con­vinc­ing vision and a pow­er­ful sto­ry of the future. They also need crafts­man­ship to anchor change in every­day organ­i­sa­tion­al life.

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Managing crises and conflicts

If you have questions about our offers

We are happy to assist you by phone or e-mail and stand ready to clarify any questions you may have.