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Social Engagement

Grat­i­tude is an impor­tant atti­tude to life. Also in rela­tion to the city I live and work in. I also ben­e­fit from inten­sive per­son­al com­mit­ment, and vol­un­tary social com­mit­ment, work for the pub­lic good.

Social Engagement

TIM: for sec­ondary schools in Munich

Our vision is a world in which every ado­les­cent feels: I am valu­able.” With TIM, we help young peo­ple devel­op their poten­tial and mature into strong per­son­al­i­ties. We sup­port mid­dle school stu­dents on their path towards a suc­cess­ful and ful­fill­ing life. The basis: Trust in your own abil­i­ties and oth­er peo­ple. This self-con­fi­dence grows with the per­son­al, social and cul­tur­al skills that we devel­op and strength­en in the team with the young peo­ple. This helps them to be self-reliant and shape our society.

TIM stands for: Trust In Myself.


Social Engagement

Active as a vol­un­teer in the Münch­en­er Stifterin­nen Net­zw­erk (MSN)

Female founders, fol­low­ing heart­felt con­cerns. We, founders of MSN, love life and are right in the mid­dle of it. What we do is not insti­tu­tion­al, it is delib­er­ate­ly very approach­able. As founders, we afford the lux­u­ry” of a fem­i­nine, long-term, car­ing per­spec­tive. For the city we live in. 

Münch­en­er Stifterin­nen Netzwerk

Guest con­tri­bu­tion for the Evan­gel­i­cal Acad­e­my Tutzing.

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