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Change Seminars

Whether exten­sive change process­es suc­ceed depends on every­one involved. After all, peo­ple change organ­i­sa­tions. This makes indi­vid­ual expec­ta­tions, fears and needs key fac­tors for the suc­cess of a change process. It is cru­cial to con­sid­er employ­ees and man­agers in their respon­si­bil­i­ty and, above all, in their humanity.

In prac­ti­cal and expe­ri­ence-ori­ent­ed sem­i­nars, we strength­en indi­vid­u­als as agents for suc­cess­ful transformation.


Change for exec­u­tives and project managers.

Resource-ori­ent­ed. Mov­ing. Empowering.

  • You explore skills that you have expe­ri­enced in change process­es — and strength­en them.
  • You learn to find mean­ing in the change, and to com­mu­ni­cate and medi­ate that meaning.
  • You reflect on your dual role as a man­ag­er and some­one under­go­ing change.
  • You will learn how to use instru­ments that make change man­age­able for you and your staff.


Change for employees.

Clar­i­fy­ing. Encour­ag­ing. Empowering.

  • As an affect­ed employ­ee, you learn which resources for change you have already acquired in life.
  • You learn how you can autonomous­ly go through the phas­es of change and how to sup­port each other.
  • You explore how to allow, for­mu­late and deal with your feel­ings, needs and resistance.