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Each of us is a world cham­pi­on. After all, each of us mas­ters his or her own life, his or her own world, every day. How can we cul­ti­vate this mas­tery in every­day life?

An excel­lent mod­el is hand­ed to us by Amer­i­can psy­chol­o­gist Mar­tin Selig­man, which shows us how we can expe­ri­ence our­selves as suc­cess­ful world cham­pi­ons. The mod­el is called: PERMA.

The pow­er of pos­i­tive psychology

Pos­i­tive emo­tions — grat­i­tude, inspi­ra­tion, hope and curios­i­ty not only bring a smile on our face, they also boost our health and performance.

Engage­ment – with a cause, a project, or peo­ple; it lets us expe­ri­ence momen­tum and focus in the here and now.

Rela­tion­ships – sat­is­fy our need for con­tact and con­nec­tions with others.

Mean­ing – we expe­ri­ence our poten­tial when we serve some­thing greater than our­selves: This can be fam­i­ly, com­mu­ni­ty, a cre­ative or char­i­ta­ble commitment.

Accom­plish­ment – win­ning is not every­thing. It is also impor­tant to enjoy the game and enjoy what has been accomplished.

Mas­tery of Life

We should always find oppor­tu­ni­ties to con­grat­u­late our­selves on our life cham­pi­onship”. PER­MA can be a dai­ly anchor in this regard, to acti­vate our good feel­ings towards our­selves and our lives. 

The anthem for this comes from Andreas Bourani:

Ein Hoch auf uns (Con­grats to us)
Auf dieses Leben (To this life)
Auf den Moment (To the moment)
Der immer bleibt (That always remains)
Ein Hoch auf uns (Con­grats to us)
Auf jet­zt und ewig (To now and forever).”


Mar­tin Selig­man (author), Stephan Schu­mach­er (trans­la­tor)

  • Flour­ish – Wie Men­schen auf­blühen: Die Pos­i­tive Psy­cholo­gie des gelin­gen­den Lebens, Kösel-Ver­lag, 5th edi­tion (April 22012)

Fur­ther for­mats on the topic

Hybrid Leadership

Hybrid Leadership

Lead­er­ship is rela­tion­ship work — also hybrid. How you encour­age encoun­ters — even remote­ly — is an inspir­ing expe­ri­ence. Hybrid lead­er­ship needs good prepa­ra­tion, clar­i­ty and atten­tion to the oth­er person.

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Mindfulness and self-esteem

Mindfulness and self-esteem

Mind­ful­ness is more than just atten­tion. It is a way of life, an atti­tude to life that helps bring about peace — in us and with oth­ers. Dis­cov­er mind­ful­ness as a resource.

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