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Transformation: The self-effective

Transformation: The self-effective

As part of a merg­er, we qual­i­fy 500 man­agers (from man­ag­ing direc­tor to team leader) of a finance pro­duc­tion platform.

As part of a merg­er, we qual­i­fy 500 man­agers (from man­ag­ing direc­tor to team leader) of a finance pro­duc­tion plat­form. With a change man­age­ment sem­i­nar that sup­ports the merg­er of dif­fer­ent pro­cess­ing and pro­duc­tion units into one legal enti­ty, we pro­mote com­ing togeth­er as equals. This mea­sure is suc­cess­ful because

the par­tic­i­pants are sta­bilised in their pow­er and strength for fur­ther changes,

they dis­cov­er a high prac­ti­cal rel­e­vance and val­ue for their dai­ly work


they expe­ri­ence them­selves as con­scious and self-effec­tive protagonists,

they are giv­en good tools for crit­i­cal change situations,

they inter­nalise the mean­ing of the merg­er as a nav­i­ga­tion aid in every­day life.