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Peer Review

Our peer review pro­vides dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing insights into group struc­tures and uncov­ers unspo­ken dif­fer­ences. It makes estab­lished rou­tines vis­i­ble and ques­tions them. It clar­i­fies, irri­tates, pro­vokes and encour­ages dia­logue.

It is an instru­ment for coura­geous teams and com­mit­tees, espe­cial­ly for man­age­ment and board teams. It looks beneath the sur­face, reveals implic­it knowl­edge and accom­pa­nies you out of your com­fort zones into new fields of per­cep­tion and action.

The sem­i­nar is designed in three parts:

  1. Sur­vey self-image and exter­nal image for each com­mit­tee member.
  2. Map the rela­tion­ships with­in the team on net­work maps.
  3. This makes the dif­fer­ent posi­tions in the struc­ture of a com­mit­tee vis­i­ble and discussable.

Quantitative survey, network analysis and feedback

Peer Review

Enlight­en­ing. Insight­ful. Honest.

Each peer review fol­lows the spe­cif­ic con­cerns of the com­mis­sion­ing team or com­mit­tee. How­ev­er, the fol­low­ing steps have proven to be effective:

  1. Con­fi­den­tial inter­views with all par­tic­i­pants on the focal points of the survey.
  2. Self-per­cep­tion and exter­nal per­cep­tion analy­sis in an elec­tron­ic survey.
  3. Eval­u­a­tion of net­work maps to analyse relationships.
  4. Feed­back of the results in a work­shop: reflec­tion on the dif­fer­ences in per­cep­tion and deriv­ing mea­sures to improve inter­ac­tion and strength­en the network.

In keep­ing with the theme:

Our most pop­u­lar offers:

Team building

Team building

Our cus­tomised coach­ing ses­sions catal­yse exist­ing team forces into new ener­gy. Because we take obsta­cles just as seri­ous­ly as wish­es and needs — and give space to both.

Learn more
GefühlsKultur® (Culture of Emotion)

GefühlsKultur® (Culture of Emotion)

Con­scious access to, and han­dling of feel­ings is a cen­tral, often unused resource in day-to-day man­age­ment. We help you to use emo­tions as a source of strength in your organization.

Learn more
Peer Review

If you have questions about our offers

We are happy to assist you by phone or e-mail and stand ready to clarify any questions you may have.