Our peer review provides differentiating insights into group structures and uncovers unspoken differences. It makes established routines visible and questions them. It clarifies, irritates, provokes and encourages dialogue.
It is an instrument for courageous teams and committees, especially for management and board teams. It looks beneath the surface, reveals implicit knowledge and accompanies you out of your comfort zones into new fields of perception and action.
The seminar is designed in three parts:
Survey self-image and external image for each committee member.
Map the relationships within the team on network maps.
This makes the different positions in the structure of a committee visible and discussable.
Quantitative survey, network analysis and feedback
Peer Review
Enlightening. Insightful. Honest.
Each peer review follows the specific concerns of the commissioning team or committee. However, the following steps have proven to be effective:
Confidential interviews with all participants on the focal points of the survey.
Self-perception and external perception analysis in an electronic survey.
Evaluation of network maps to analyse relationships.
Feedback of the results in a workshop: reflection on the differences in perception and deriving measures to improve interaction and strengthen the network.
Our customised coaching sessions catalyse existing team forces into new energy. Because we take obstacles just as seriously as wishes and needs — and give space to both.
Conscious access to, and handling of feelings is a central, often unused resource in day-to-day management. We help you to use emotions as a source of strength in your organization.