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Many areas of mod­ern work­ing envi­ron­ments are dom­i­nat­ed by dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies and abstract process­es. In order for peo­ple to be able to ori­en­tate them­selves, good sto­ries are need­ed that offer more than just sober facts.

They emo­tion­alise, touch, inspire the recip­i­ents and unite mean­ing and ener­gy. But it is also impor­tant to move from sto­ry­telling to sto­ry­do­ing. For this, the sto­ry­teller-lis­ten­er rela­tion­ship is crucial.

Let us enter into a process togeth­er in which you will learn what pos­i­tive effects con­vinc­ing nar­ra­tives can have for you and your organisation.


The Change Story.

Co-cre­ative. Tan­gi­ble Human.

  • We define the core mes­sages of the sto­ry with you. How do these mes­sages feel? Which emo­tions make your sto­ry tangible?
  • You check, when and how all par­ties involved can engage them­selves in the story.
  • You decide on a plot that car­ries the dra­mat­ic com­po­si­tion of the story.