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Young Wisdom

Every com­pa­ny expe­ri­ences change and growth process­es in order to remain com­pet­i­tive. New employ­ees and the fresh wind they bring with them play a trend-set­ting role.

They not only have a dif­fer­ent, new per­spec­tive. They also bring some­thing with them that is often under­es­ti­mat­ed: Young Wisdom.

We sup­port com­pa­nies in the onboard­ing of new employ­ees. Togeth­er we pro­mote the inte­gra­tion of new and expe­ri­enced col­leagues with their spe­cial talents.

Moderated half-day exchange of experiences of newcomers - also as hybrid format

Mag­ic Moments.

Open. Fas­ci­nat­ing. Effective.

  • Share with the oth­er par­tic­i­pants what is on your mind when it comes to onboarding.
  • What tips do you have for deal­ing with obsta­cles? Take advan­tage of the expe­ri­ences of your colleagues.
  • Learn how you can com­mu­ni­cate your impuls­es to the organ­i­sa­tion in a recip­i­ent-ori­ent­ed way.