Handelsblatt podcast with Kirsten Schrick on the topic of empathy
“Rethink Work” is an exciting podcast from Handelsblatt that deals with contemporary work culture and its ongoing development.

“Rethink Work” is an exciting podcast from Handelsblatt that deals with contemporary work culture and its ongoing development. I was delighted to accept the invitation of the two deputy editors-in-chief Kirsten Ludowig and Charlotte Haunhorst to talk to them about empathy — a topic that is very close to my heart. Together we discussed questions such as:
- Are people born empathetic?
- Can we learn empathy and unlearn it again?
- How should managers deal with feelings in everyday working life?
- And what role do feelings play in the new working life? Now in hybrid times?
Click here for the podcast at Handelsblatt
Have fun listening!