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Merger: Out of the crisis and into a new home

Merger: Out of the crisis and into a new home

A merg­er is immi­nent — and it is not clear whether our cus­tomer’s divi­sion can find a new home.

That is why we decide to imple­ment a pro­gramme that strength­ens the resilience of the entire man­age­ment team. We know that deal­ing with stress­ful emo­tions such as resis­tance, anger, sad­ness and res­ig­na­tion dur­ing the merg­er is a par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge. That is why the focus is not on pro­fes­sion­al and men­tal fit­ness, but above all on emo­tion­al balance.

The man­age­ment team explores its resources in five steps. The par­tic­i­pants look at their pur­pose and their con­tri­bu­tion to the new com­pa­ny. What do they want to tell about them­selves, their past and their future? What is the narrative?

At the end of the jour­ney, the pur­pose — the WHY of the area — is for­mu­lat­ed, the han­dling of feel­ings in cri­sis sit­u­a­tions is test­ed and the idea of one’s own effec­tive­ness becomes clear. Equipped in this way, the team can suc­cess­ful­ly posi­tion itself in a new envi­ron­ment and forge new relationships.

The man­age­ment trans­forms the cri­sis sit­u­a­tion of the merg­er into a new sit­u­a­tion of strength for itself and its employees.