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Mindfulness and self-esteem

You can’t stop waves, but you can learn to surf.” (John Kabatt Zinn)

The term mind­ful­ness” has become a lifestyle. There is no super­food, no mag­ic mantra, no ulti­mate recipe against the many chal­lenges of our time. Mind­ful­ness as a life atti­tude and prac­tice can min­imise stress and exhaus­tion; can enrich and strength­en peo­ple and envi­ron­ments in a heal­ing, peace­ful and effec­tive way.

It includes self-esteem as an impor­tant attitude.


Liv­ing mind­ful­ness in a healthy way.

Empa­thet­ic. Unbi­ased. Observing.

  • You explore the roots and prin­ci­ples of mindfulness.
  • You prac­tice being in the here and now, by acti­vat­ing your senses.
  • You dis­cov­er indi­vid­ual mind­ful­ness exer­cis­es for every­day life — such as the atti­tude of gratitude.
  • You take obsta­cles that come in the way of prac­tic­ing mind­ful­ness seriously.