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GefühlsKultur® (Culture of Emotion)

Feel­ings and emo­tions are the only thing we haven’t yet man­aged away!” — a man­ag­er not­ed in the con­text of our sur­vey What man­agers real­ly feel” (2014). Through our study we are cer­tain: feel­ings and emo­tions are cen­tral to man­agers’ lives, even if they are not always aware of them. Feel­ings and emo­tions are a source of pow­er. When one is appre­ci­at­ed and nur­tured in the sense of a suc­cess­ful GefühlsKul­tur® (Cul­ture of Emo­tion), orga­ni­za­tions can become health­i­er places. 

In this sem­i­nar, we move the sub­ject of feel­ings from the taboo zone to the orga­ni­za­tion’s front stage. We invite you to rec­og­nize feel­ings and emo­tions as a pre­cious raw mate­r­i­al, a pre­cious resource, and to nur­ture and devel­op them. For your­self and your col­leagues and staff.

2-Day Seminar

GefühlsKul­tur® (Cul­ture of Emotion).

Lib­er­at­ing. Real. Startling.

  • You get all the key infor­ma­tion and results on GefühlsKul­tur® (Cul­ture of Emo­tion) and will explore if and how it can be con­nect­ed to your every­day life.
  • You learn to what extent you rec­og­nize your own feel­ings and take them seriously.
  • You check the types of feel­ings that res­onate with you — and derive con­se­quences for your every­day life from this.
  • In the end, you will devel­op con­crete find­ings for improv­ing the GefühlsKul­tur® (Cul­ture of Emo­tion) in your organization.

In line with this theme:

Our most sought-after offers:

Start-Up Coaching

Start-Up Coaching

Start-ups gen­er­ate and live growth. When the organ­i­sa­tions reach crit­i­cal sizes, fric­tion aris­es. Then lead­er­ship is need­ed — from the founders.

Learn more


Men­tal resilience is not a mir­a­cle gene. It is an atti­tude that acti­vates resources and strength­ens your self-effi­ca­cy. Resilience helps to turn crises into power.

Learn more
GefühlsKultur® (Culture of Emotion)

If you have questions about our offers

We are happy to assist you by phone or e-mail and stand ready to clarify any questions you may have.