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Hybrid Leadership

The pan­dem­ic has per­ma­nent­ly changed our work­ing world. What seemed unthink­able a few years ago is now real­i­ty. Some time ago, many still thought: New Nor­mal — that’s just a tran­si­tion — today we all know: New Nor­mal rules out a com­plete return to the origins.

Today and in the future, it is about mak­ing the hybrid work­ing world more live­ly, warmer and more human. Because lead­er­ship is always rela­tion­ship work — also hybrid.


Hybrid Lead­er­ship.

Live­ly. Inter­ac­tive. Connecting.

  • You review your beliefs and pref­er­ences about remote leadership.
  • You won­der what the pit­falls of dig­i­tal for­mats are.
  • You exper­i­ment with inter­ac­tive and hybrid lead­er­ship options that emo­tion­al­ize your participants.
  • You test your abil­i­ty to be present and lis­ten attentively.
  • You strength­en your abil­i­ty to per­ceive things on the rela­tion­ship lev­el — in the inter­play of ana­log and dig­i­tal formats.